Friday, November 21, 2014

How Should We Remember Toussaint Louverture?

“Whatever defamation of character my enemies are spreading about me, I do not feel the need to justify myself toward them. While discretion obliges me to remain silent, my duty compels me to prevent them from doing any more harm.” (Toussaint Louverture). Toussaint Louverture was a person remembered for many traits. He was the leader of the 1791 Haitian Revolution, and also eventually became the ruler of Saint Domingue, the french colony now known as Haiti. He also led the slave army against the British and the French armies when they invaded the island. But what exactly should Toussaint be remembered for? His liberation of the slaves of Saint Domingue, his leadership as the ruler of the colony, or his role as a successful military commander? The most important aspect was that he was the liberator of the slaves, as shown in his role in the revolution.
Toussaint Louverture played a key role in the slave revolt. In 1791, he served as a doctor to the soldiers. (Doc A) He also commanded a small squad of slaves. He later became a well known commander and became the ruler of Saint Domingue. At this time, slavery was abolished in France and all of its colonies, including Saint Domingue. But, when Napoleon came to power, he wanted to reinstate slavery and sent over 21,000 soldiers to Saint Domingue. But, Toussaint fought for the slaves again and defeated the French, although he was captured and died in jail. Even though Toussaint did not live, he help Saint Domingue gain its independence and end slavery, and liberated all of the slaves.
After Toussaint had first liberated the slaves, he did not stop there. When the French Directory became the government of France, they were going to reinstate slavery in Saint Domingue. Toussaint would not let his people go back to being enslaved, so he wrote a letter to the French Directory. (Doc B) In it, he stated “Could men who have once enjoyed the benefits of liberty look on calmly while it was taken from them!” He is telling the French Directory that if they wish to put slavery back, the former slaves will not just allow it to happen. He later states that “We have known how to confront danger to our liberty, and we will know how to confront death to preserve it” As the liberator of the slaves, he is threatening the french not to put slavery back, or they will fight for their independence again.
After the slave revolt of 1791, Louverture had to set up new laws for the colony. In The Saint Domingue Constitution of 1801, it states, “There cannot exist slaves in this territory, servitude is therein forever abolished. All men are born, live and die free and French.” (Doc C) He is permanently abolishing slavery in Saint Domingue, and creating a free colony, but still under French rule. He is doing his role as the Liberator of slaves and officially freeing all people in Saint Domingue.
Although Toussaint Louverture possessed many traits, such as military leadership or skill in politics, he should mainly be remembered for liberating the slaves of Saint Domingue. He served in the army commanding the liberation army, threatened to fight the French again if they reinstated it, and officially abolished slavery in the colony. This shows that Louverture was a very important figure in liberating the slaves, and should be remembered for this feat among others.

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