How did the differences between the North and the South affect each sides strategy during the Civil War?
To analyze this question we created an infographic:
Created this infographic helped me personally understand the topic much better. I am a visual learner by nature and the charts and diagrams helped me put into perspective the advantages that each opposing side had. The first diagram shows the huge advantage that the North had in population: almost twice as many people. The second diagram shows that the South had a huge population of slaves and the North had almost none at all compared. The South would be able to better produce its exports and make money to sustain an army. However, the next chart shows three categories: Industrial Workers, Manufacturing Plants, and Railroad Mileage; all of which the North had a huge advantage in. This means that they would be able to produce more weaponry and supplies and get it to the front-line faster. The south, however, had a simpler strategy compared to the North. The South just had to defend its borders and keep their way of life from the Union invaders. The South also had the best leadership and morale. However, this was not enough compared to the North's enormous advantage in numbers, and once they blockaded the Confederates, the War was heavily in their favor, despite the advantages that the South had.
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